Gareth Monteath
It is clear that returning expatriates (in other words, repatriates) have much to offer their companies in terms of knowhow and networks. Therefore, I asked at the end of my last article what companies could do ...
We have seen previously that in principle, repatriates have much to offer their employers after they have returned to their home countries and organizations. In practice, some companies are better than others at giving repatriates the opportunity to shine, but based on what I have observed, Japanese employers ...
In the previous article, we looked at the reasons why companies send employees overseas to work, and we saw how valuable those people can be to their organizations. In 2010,...
In 2010, I entered a doctoral program at the University of Manchester so that I could study and research the impact of globalization on Japanese business people and HR...
私はグローバル化が日本のビジネスパーソンや人事システムにどのような影響があるのかを研究するために2010年、マンチェスター大学の博士課程に入学しました。5年後、 海外赴任からの帰任者と日本の...