グローバル HR ソリューションサイト
by Link and Motivation Group




Helping businesses maximize efficiency and productivity in the global workplace, We offer a comprehensive service lineup that includes intercultural communication workshops, business skills training, HR and organizational consulting services, hiring support, and vision-sharing programs. Our services are designed to boost global corporate competitiveness and enhance engagement between corporations and individuals.

Global Human Resource Development Support

We support human resource development with a focus on the enabling of effective intercultural communication capabilities, the acquisition of essential management skills, and the adoption of global and diversity-oriented mindsets. Our workshop solutions are organized in the following three series.

  • - Intercultural communication series (including pre-departure services)
  • - Intercultural skills series (such as teleconferencing and writing skills)
  • - Global mindset series (including business simulations and diversity training)

Headquarter Organizational Development Support

Our organizational development support services help companies promote the internal globalization of their headquarter organizations and bolster global governance.

  • - Global organizational diagnosis (surveys)
  • - Global corporate vision creation and sharing
  • - Recruitment and on-boarding of non-Japanese employees
  • - Non-Japanese employee training
  • - Promotion and support for the strategic implementation of English as official in-house language

Overseas Subsidiary Organizational Development Support

We help the overseas subsidiaries of our customers boost their organizational strength and enhance engagement with headquarter operations.

  • - Global organizational diagnosis (surveys)
  • - Sharing of global corporate visions
  • - Cross-corporate cultural and intercultural communication